PTSD & Trauma

PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy

Asian woman leaning against wall in distress. She is feeling out of her head because of the trauma she has been experiencing. If you can relate to the frustration and overwhelm of dealing with ptsd in chesapeake, va. Try getting treating ptsd in chesapeake, va or richmond, va. We are here to help you get through this difficult time. Whole wellness journey is ready to help you move forward with ptsd therapy and trauma treatment in richmond, va

No one is immune to pain. Experiencing trauma of any kind can leave emotional, mental, and physical scars. While you or others might want to move on, it’s not that easy to jump back into life. You might not know where to begin or how to confront your fear, panic, anger, or depression. Whether you’ve experienced childhood trauma, long-term relational trauma, or a recent traumatic event, we can help. That is why beginning PTSD treatment and trauma therapy is necessary to begin understanding what is going on.
Within the course of life, many of us can become disconnected from our pain. This causes us to avoid feelings, self-medicate, and even distract ourselves. Therefore, this leads others to carry our baggage. Meanwhile, avoidant coping mechanisms can become exhausting. They cause us not to resolve the underlying trauma we are facing. At Whole Journey, we understand the challenges these life-altering experiences bring with them. We want to encourage you that recovery is possible. That is why we have skilled professionals that specialize in PTSD treatment and trauma therapy.

Signs you could benefit from PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy

  • FlashbacksHealthy young Asian runner woman warm up the body stretching before exercise and yoga. This woman is finding her freedom with the use of holistic health practices. Yoga has helped in her treating ptsd in richmond, va. If you're ready to overcome your trauma and move on, then consider ptsd treatment in Virginia
  • Bad dreams
  • Frightening thoughts
  • Avoiding places, thoughts, and feelings that bring on trauma
  • Easily startled
  • On edge
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Angry outbursts
  • Disinterest in normal activities
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Negative self-thoughts
  • Disinterest in activities you enjoy

Our Approach to Treating PTSD in Richmond, VA and Chesapeake, VA, and Charlotte, NC

At our practice, we provide trauma-focused therapy. This allows us to understand and emphasize how traumatic experiences impact us. These approaches include mental, behavioral, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Overall, the purpose of trauma-focused therapy is to provide skills and strategies to help you understand and cope with the hard issues. Within this approach to therapy, you can start to feel safe within yourself and your environment. This also allows you to feel less sensitive to triggers, and to restore a healthier relationship with yourself and the world. Therefore, our goals for treating PTSD in Charlotte, NC, Chesapeake, VA, and Richmond, VA are meant to be a safe and effective approach to helping you feel better.
Additionally, a unique approach that Whole Journey takes comes from newer research supporting the benefits of integrative, trauma-focused activities. The research suggests that this technique can increase support for emotional recovery from trauma. Lastly, within our practice, some of our office locations provide wellness approaches to health. These include massage therapy, reiki, meditation, trauma-informed yoga sessions, walk and talk therapy, and workshops. If our whole-body approach is of interest to you, contact us to receive more information about our integrative services. We offer PTSD therapy and trauma treatment in Virginia and North Carolina.

Benefits of Trauma-Focused Therapy 

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Understand Your Trauma

To begin, trauma therapy and PTSD treatment in Charlotte, NC, Chesapeake, VA, and Richmond, VA allow you to process and understand why certain thoughts, feelings, and behaviors occur. It is important to understand how your experiences can help you shift from feeling helpless to feeling more empowered in your life. That is why we want you to recognize that being able to get explanations for your experiences also reminds you that you are not alone in your experiences.


Next, a foundation of trauma-focused therapy is providing acknowledgement of what you have been through. Our trauma counselors strive to create a safe space for your experiences to truly be heard without judgment or shame. Therefore, I would like to acknowledge, this is true in all of our locations, even our newest that provides PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Virginia Beach, VA.

Re-Establish Safety

Surviving trauma often results in feeling violated. Violation often threatens your sense of safety. These violations can exist in a variety of ways. Such as physical, emotionally, psychologically, and relationally. Trauma-focused therapy can assist you in restoring safety and developing a new normal.

Develop Healthy Coping Skills with PTSD therapy and Trauma treatment

Trauma shapes how you see yourself and the world. Many survivors experience triggers emotionally, physically, mentally, and in their relationships. Therefore, it can be difficult to not feel overwhelmed at times by triggering experiences and memories. Especially, when they impact relationships and behaviors. That is why trauma-focused therapy helps you learn and develop healthier coping skills.

Rebuild Your Sense of Self

Trauma often results in experiences of low self-esteem, shame, and depression that can affect how you feel about yourself. Over time, you will have the opportunity to process your experiences and reframe how you view yourself and your trauma. Trauma therapy and PTSD treatment can help you feel more empowered to shape your life again and to find meaning in your life after trauma.

Decrease Traumatic Stress Symptoms

Trauma often results in a variety of mental health symptoms. For example, depression, anxiety, dissociation, shame, guilt, and intrusive symptoms. Intrusive thoughts break down into flashbacks and nightmares. Over time, while working consistently with a trauma counselor or PTSD therapist, you can experience a decrease in the intensity or frequency of these symptoms.

Online Counseling and COVID

Successful therapy. Happy black female patient talking to psychologist at her office, expressing gratitude. If you're ready to move forward, whole journey wellness is hear to help. Get help with ptsd therapy and trauma treatment in chesapeake, va or ptsd therapy and trauma treatment in richmond, va. We have help you overcome and feel better. Start counseling with us today!If you’re worried that you don’t have time to begin therapy because you’re busy. Or perhaps, you’re not sure it will work. Whole Journey is trying to make mental health services accessible. Therefore, we are seeing people in person who choose to. However, we are also serving people through a safe and secure virtual platform. We care about your safety and access to counseling services. Our online services are offered via online counseling in Chesapeake, VA, online counseling in Richmond, VA, and online therapy in Charlotte, NC  because we want you to have a therapy option. If you’re interested, get in contact with us today. Let’s begin moving you toward a healthier life.

Begin Counseling for PTSD therapy and Trauma Treatment in North Carolina and Virginia

You don’t have to live with distress, anxiety, sadness, and overwhelm from PTSD and trauma. Counseling can help you move forward. Our Charlotte, NC, Chesapeake, VA, and Richmond, VA counseling practices have caring Trauma and PTSD therapists/counselors who specialize in PTSD treatment and trauma therapy. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Contact Whole Journey to schedule an appointment
  2. Meet with one of our trauma therapists 
  3. Start living life again!

  Other Mental Health Services at Whole Journey 

PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Virginia isn’t the only service we offer in our Charlotte, NC, Chesapeake, VA, and Richmond, VA counseling practices. Other mental health services Whole Journey provides include anxiety treatment, couples counseling, LGBTQIA+ issues, walk and talk therapy, kids and families, child counseling and wellness, women’s issues, men issues, depression, medical illness and cancer counseling, counseling for life transitions, counseling for people of color, grief and loss, work and career, counseling for millennials, and group workshops and classes. 

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