

Being a part of a relationship can be as challenging as it can be rewarding. Relationships can offer the greatest opportunity for connection, love, and intimacy, but they can also expose our deepest wounds. For many of us, we can tell when it’s working, and when it’s not; it can often feel painful, draining, overwhelming, disappointing, fear,-filled, anger, resentment, and hopelessness. The affects of a relationship in need of repair can impact every other aspect of your life. At this point, professional assistance might be helpful.

Questions to Consider:

  • Am I moving towards love or fear in my relationship?
  • Am I moving towards connection or distancing myself?
  • Can I be authentic in my relationship?
  • Can I be vulnerable?
  • Do I feel safe…emotionally, mentally, financially and physically?

What we could work on:

  • Important things in your relationship that are difficult to talk about.
  • Frequent arguments
  • Value Discrepancy
  • Co-dependency/Enabling
  • Communication Issues
  • Intimacy Issues
  • Power struggles
  • Role Identification
  • Transitions
  • Pre-marital Issues
  • Divorce/Separation
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Our Approach: We see couples as both the unique individuals and the couples that they have become. With that being said, you are the expert on your experiences throughout the counseling process. Let us help you process the ebbs and flows, goals, expectations, and barriers to creating ongoing satisfaction and fulfillment in your lives. Relationships take work and require maintenance. Counseling could provide the opportunity for improved communication, increased self-awareness, positive skill-building, and greater understanding.

Not sure how to get your partner involved?
1. Think carefully about the best way to bring the topic up. During or immediately following arguments may not be the best time. As soon as your partner gets home from work might not be a good time either. Consider your partner’s feelings and comfort level before bringing up the topic.
2. Consider approaching the topic with an interest in improving your relationship, not changing your partner.
3. If the conversation leads to resistance, initially, consider asking your partner to just think about what he/she wants to improve in the relationship and discuss a time to follow-up.
4. Consider negotiating a compromise such as a few sessions of therapy in exchange for a goal or activity your partner would like to see you all engage in together.