
Anxiety Treatment

You are used to having everything under control 

But now you are experiencing constant waves of distress 

It continues to make you feel more aware that something isn’t right 

You are tired, and always stressed, and it leaves you drained at the end of each day 

Sometimes it keeps you from doing the things you love 

Now you are just grasping for something you can control 

Anxiety is overwhelming. It can be hard to pinpoint what exactly triggers the anxious behaviors, but all you know is that it can consume your whole world. Which can make it difficult to carry on throughout the day.

Young african american girl wearing box braids and biting nails. Anxiety is hard, especially when you have a family, job, or school to focus on. It gets in the way of everything. Whole Journey recognizes this road stop and can help you cope with your anxiety through anxiety treatment in Richmond, VA, Chesapeake, VA. Begin counseling with one of our caring therapists in Virginia or North Carolina today!You know you can’t avoid your anxiety forever.

At some point in time, you will have to find a way to move forward. You may have school, a job, or people to take care of, so you cannot shut down now.

Anxiety tends to trigger an avoidance response which can keep us from doing the tasks we need to.  This may make you avoid a situation or cause you to distract yourself in an effort to make it go away. Perhaps, you may be used to trying to ignore the overwhelming nature of anxiety in an effort to move forward. This may lead you to place unrealistic expectations on yourself in an effort to keep up with the challenges of everyday life. Because you have placed these expectations on yourself, it may lead you to place them on your mental health which causes further strain. 

You’re Frustrated and Anxious. Now, What?

Now you’ve come to a point where you may begin to notice that suppressing the anxiety stops working, and telling yourself it will go away is no longer comforting. You may begin to think why can’t I overcome this? Regardless, you’ve come to a point where you can no longer avoid every situation that breeds discomfort. You know you need to reevaluate how you handle the stress when moments of distress pop up, but you’re struggling to find a way.  

If you understand these anxious thoughts and feelings all too well, then you may benefit from beginning anxiety treatment in Richmond, VA, Chesapeake, VA, or Charlotte, NC. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)18.1% of the population deals with anxiety disorders every year. At Whole Journey, we understand the internal struggle of clients. We understand that you are seeking control over your life to manage the stress and stop suffering from anxiety. 

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Difficulty focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than the thing you’re worried about
  • Insomnia/ Sleep Disturbances/ Nightmares
  • Racing thoughts
  • Panic attacks
  • Nervousness, restlessness or being tense
  • A strong desire to avoid the things that trigger your anxiety
  • Obsessions about certain ideas are a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Performing certain behaviors over and over again
  • Anxiety surrounding a particular life event or experience that has occurred in the past, trauma response
  • Social anxiety- fear of social situations involving other people
  • Physical symptoms: Digestive or gastrointestinal problems, such as gas, constipationdiarrhea, chest tightness, tingling, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, shaking, etc.
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One thing many people don’t realize is the physical symptoms you can experience from anxiety. This is why we address the whole person. Common physical symptoms of anxiety include digestive or gastrointestinal problems, such as gas, constipation, diarrhea, chest tightness, tingling, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, shaking, tension headaches, and more.  

Anxiety is a human experience that most will experience at some point. You may be experiencing it as a fear-based response to a trigger (known or unknown). Some experience it for a few minutes surrounding a particular situation such as waiting for traffic or taking a test. Others may experience it for longer periods of time and find it difficult to manage. If your anxiety is negatively affecting your daily life (work, home, or relationships), it may be time to seek support from an experienced anxiety therapist/counselor. 

Anxiety Treatment in North Carolina and Virginia can help!

Man with hands up to mouth, sitting on couch with therapist who is taking notes. Whole Journey is here to help you understand the triggers behind anxiety with anxiety treatment in Chesapeake, VA, Richmond, VA, and north Carolina!

Therapy isn’t about finding the quickest way to fix yourself. It begins with developing a positive relationship with your anxiety therapist. Counseling has been stigmatized, and therefore people are uncertain as to whether it can actually work. It’s hard to be real about how you’re feeling, especially when you may not completely understand what is going on.  The beautiful thing about anxiety treatment in Charlotte, NC, Richmond, VA, and Chesapeake, VA is that we move when you do. You will have the space to understand your anxiety and figure out where you need to go at your pace. Your anxiety therapist is simply your guide. It is important to us that you feel safe, heard, and comfortable.  

Whole Journey’s Approach to Anxiety Treatment

Our anxiety therapists understand that changes in your mood can be due to a variety of factors. A commonality between most mood issues is that your suffering can feel like a heavy cloud that just won’t lift. You may struggle to find the motivation to get through the difficult days. Whether it’s hormonal, biological, or situational, meeting with an experienced counselor can assist you with getting to the root of the issue.  

Whole Journey’s approach to treating your anxiety involveholistic and integrative approach to treating anxiety. We can use a wide range of modalities. CBT is our primary modality, but we use techniques from mindfulness, stress tolerance, ACT, and EFT.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Research has shown it is effective in treating panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, and other anxiety disorders. The benefit of adding in other modalities, allows us to specialize our services to the individual, so no treatment plan looks the same.  


This acceptance-based treatment modality allows you to accept your circumstance and change. You will learn to end the cycle of struggle brought on by the anxiety and begin to move toward behaviors that reinforce your values.  


Helps to restore balance by addressing negative thoughts and emotions. EFT can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety such as excessive worry, irritability, sleeping difficulties, and difficulty concentrating. 


The benefit of mindfulness is that it allows you to connect with the present moment. That allows you to counteract the worry and rumination that is inevitable with anxiety disorders.  

Stress tolerance 

Through anxiety treatment in Chesapeake, VA, Charlotte, NC, and Richmond, VA, you will learn to handle pressures and distress better. While also developing the ability to effectively handle daily tasks and phobias with minimal anxiety in the event stressful conditions arise.  

Ultimately, our goal is to help you release what you cannot control, enjoy freedom, and learn to better manage the symptoms of anxiety. This will allow you to feel more balanced, fulfilled, and overall filled with happiness and joy. Our anxiety therapists want you to trust yourself in this journey and develop the resiliency you need to keep going. 

What is holding you back from beginning anxiety treatment?

Woman outside with trees in background, breathing deeply with eyes closed. She is feeling relief from her anxiety for the first time since she started counseling. Her therapist in virginia has been teaching her mindfulness and ACT techniques to help her anxiety subside. Sometimes incorporating modalities with anxiety treatment can be helpful to the therapeutic process. Begin counseling today in Chesapeake, VA, Richmond, VA and North Carolina!Maybe you’ve known that you have had anxiety for a while, but you just do not have the time to address it or maybe you’re unsure where to begin if you began counseling. We know it’s not easy asking for help, especially if you’re the one who always helps. Our goal as therapists/counselors is to get you to a place where you feel normal in such a way that you can cope and move forward.

Likewise, if you have a long commute to the office or do not have breaks in the day where you can leave, know that we offer services in-person or via online counseling in Virginia or North Carolina.

Begin Anxiety Treatment in Virginia and North Carolina!

If anxiety is taking over your ability to concentrate and function throughout the day, it may be time to begin counseling. Our Richmond, VAChesapeake, VA, and Charlotte, NC, have caring anxiety therapists/counselors who specialize in anxiety treatment. To start your therapeutic journey, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Contact Whole Journey
  2. Meet with one of our anxiety therapists 
  3. Start thriving again!

Other Mental Health Services at Whole Journey

Anxiety treatment isn’t the only service we offer in our Richmond, VirginiaChesapeake, Virginia, and Charlotte, NC counseling clinics. Other mental health services Whole Journey provides include depression counseling, couples counseling, LGBTQIA+ issueswalk and talk therapy, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, and child counseling and wellness. We also help with women’s issuesmen’s issues, medical illness, cancer counseling, and counseling for life transitions, and kids and family. Finally, we work through counseling for people of colorgrief and losswork and careercounseling for millennials, and group workshops and classes.