Spring Fever
By: Whole Journey Services
Spring Fever
Let’s talk about springtime. There are so many reasons why we associate spring with renewal. I won’t bore you with a list. We seem to take a collective deep breath of fresh air (for those of us with seasonal allergies, that may be a little more difficult) and exhale a sigh of relief. It’s time to start thinking about cookouts and reunions, graduations and promotions. Some of us choose this time to really get serious about our diets and exercises. There’s life and energy that wasn’t there a month ago. We feel good! Or, at least, better than we did when the sun was only out for about 9 hours a day. Strangely, this newly found energy is not usually channeled into promoting our mental health. We forget what was troubling us so much only a month ago. I get it, Spring Fever is definitely a thing. And that’s pretty cool! When else do we get to experience a collective upheaval of excitement? I don’t want to take away from that. I just want to encourage you to keep your mental health a priority. More likely than not, when the weather changes again that same problem that you forgot about will still be there. Only it’s been intensified because it’s been around longer than it needed to be, waiting in the corner of your mind to snatch you with negativity when it can. Don’t wait. You can still experience Spring Fever with the rest of us. Look at counseling as just another process of renewal. Come in to weed and prune your mental garden and plant some positivity seeds while you’re at it!